If you own a Lamborghini, you probably think about trade-ins quite often to keep up with the constantly evolving luxury car market. If this is the case, then our dedicated team at We Buy Posh Cars should be your first point of contact.
Understanding Your Needs
Perhaps your Lamborghini no longer suits your circumstances and, if so, please talk to us first. We have a network of highly experienced buyers so you need look no further than We Buy Posh Cars. We are an independent prestige motor brokerage with many years of experience in the luxury car sector.
When you sell your Lamborghini through us, we include free collection anywhere in the UK and our prices are attractive too. No matter your reason for selling, this is a good time to consider all your options and it starts with an online quotation. Take a few minutes to complete and send, and we will get back to you with a guideline figure for your Lamborghini based on the information you share with us. The luxury car market is our focus and area of expertise.
Avoiding Any Confusion
Experience is the best teacher, which enables us to anticipate and fully address the questions that often spring to mind as you sell your Lamborghini. Our job is to answer all your concerns and here at We Buy Posh Cars, our team is experienced in the sort of things that crop up when buying or selling luxury cars. Here are some of the common concerns raised by our sellers. If you have concerns of your own, we invite you to send them to us using this online query form.
Q: What if I do not have a registration document for the car (V5)
A: Tell us as soon as you can what you are missing and we will check with DVLA. Vehicles three or more years old need to have a continuous series of annual MOT certificates.
Q: How will you pay me for my car?
A: The safest and quickest way to pay you is through an electronic transfer of funds from our account to yours. There is no charge for this service, and in most cases, we make the transfer while with you at your bank or home address.
Alternatively, we can pay you with a banker’s draft on collection of your car, or we can get a bank draft from a bank of your choice, usually your local branch.
Q: I owe money on my Lamborghini – can you settle the finance before selling?
A: Yes, we certainly can. We deal with all the major finance companies on a daily basis. We will settle any finance outstanding directly with them on your behalf.
Select the Best
You owe it to yourself and the prestigious Lamborghini you plan to sell to deal with the best! We invite you to call our expert buying team at We Buy Posh Cars on 01423 500 017 to start the process of selling your luxury car. Alternatively, complete this online form and send it to us for a quick and positive result.